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One form of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education is implementing the Community Service (PPM) program. UNY's French Language Education Study Program collaborates with IFI Yogyakarta to organize the French Language Olympiad as a form of PPM. One of the activities of this Olympics is a creative video competition with the theme "Characteristics of my region". The criteria for the competition include: French language videos, choose regional characteristics and explain the reasons, avoid catalog-like arrangements, horizontal videos, maximum duration of 2 minutes, upload on Instagram with an interesting caption and hashtag #2020 French Language Olympics #French Language, and tag (tag ) @IFI_Indonesia and IFI/AF social media in participating regions. The Yogyakarta French Language Olympiad is attended by high school/MA students and university students in Yogyakarta.
UNY's French Language Education Study Program participated in the implementation of this Olympiad by giving several awards in the form of trophies and coaching money to winners of creative video competitions at high school/MA and university levels. The coaching money given by the French Language Education Study Program for winners of the SMA/MA category video competition is IDR 750,000 for 1st place, IDR 500,000 for 2nd place, IDR 350,000 for 3rd place, IDR 300,000 for 1st place, IDR 250,000 for 2nd place. and IDR 200,000 for the 3rd runner up. Then the coaching money given to the winner of the video competition in the Higher Education category is IDR 1,000,000 for the 1st winner, IDR 750,000 for the 2nd winner, IDR 500,000 for the 3rd place winner, IDR 400,000 for the 1st runner up, IDR 350,000 for the 2nd runner-up, and IDR 350,000 for the 3rd runner-up.
With the participation of the UNY French Language Education Study Program PPM in the French Language Olympiad, the collaboration that has existed between IFI Yogyakarta and the study program has become even closer. Furthermore, the PPM program carried out by the French Language Education study program greatly contributed to the development of French in the Yogyakarta area. Through this program, the French language learning community is highly motivated to improve their skills in French as evidenced by the large number of participants who take part in this Olympiad. (Desi)
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