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In the new semester, the French Language Education department at UNY welcomed a new family from the class of 2021. The welcoming of this new family was carried out through the department's PKKMB activities, namelyBiennouvewhich is routinely held once a year to welcome new students.
The activity which was held on Thursday (26/08/2021) started with greetings with MC, Bestin Yuannisa Goliz (2020) and Fadel Muhammad (2020) at 08.00 WIB. The activity continued with the playing of the national anthem Indonesia Raya and continued with remarks from the chairman of the committee (Shasi Deshinta Putri, 2020), chairman of the association (Oka Reynaldi Akbar, 2019), task force (Dr. Tri Kusnawati, S.Pd., M.Hum.), and head of department (Dr. Dra. Roswita Lumban Tobing, M. Hum.)
One of the four UNY French Language Education communities, Jolie Danse, appeared as the first entertainer by performing one of the songs popularized by GOT7, entitled Just Right. After the Jolie Danse performance, the new students of the class of 2021 were invited to tour lecture locations on campus virtually through the PBP Tour video guided by Lulu Nurmalityari (2020). After the screening of PBP Tour, Maintenant featuring Zahida Aine Hawwa (2020) performed the form of French storytelling.
The event entered the main activity, namely the presentation of material delivered by one of the French Language Education lecturers, MonsieurAndi Mustofa, S.Pd., MA, which provides material regarding foreign language learning, especially French, for new students so they can adapt to the learning atmosphere as French students.
Material session by one of the UNY French Language Education lecturers, Monsieur Tofa, regarding learning French as a foreign language. There is also information about student exchanges conveyed by Ms. Tema Chonania (2017) which she experienced in 2019-2020 in Sevilla, Spain.
Followed by showing the Bonjour HIPER video hosted by Alam Persada Nusantara (2020). The video introduces new 2021 students to one step closer to the UNY French Language Education Student Association, which is familiarly called HIPER. Bonjour HIPER introduced 6 departments and their tasks, namely Core Management, Depmaskom, Bakri, Soskesma, Cadreization, and PSDM.
At the end of the event, Bestin and Fadel as master of Ceremonies made a surprise by announcing Daffa Sayoga (Cannes Cluster, 2021) and Maria Panela Mentari (Avignon Cluster, 2021) asking and queen at PKKMBBiennouve2021. After the announcement of the king and queen, Hipercoustique performed three songs as the final performance from the HIPER community. The end of the PKKMB Biennouvé 2021 activities was marked by a group photo session. Bienvenue à tous!
(Alya Fadiyah, French Language Education Student Class of 2020)
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