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The french language education study program held a webinar on strengthening alumni, partners and stakeholders in the context of the 58th anniversary of fbs uny, monday (19/04). The event takes place from 09.00 to 13.00 wib. This webinar was attended by 183 participants from alumni across generations and french language education students. Present at this activity were mr. Tribowo s. Nuswa as a resource person from the tourism practitioner/stakeholder of east nice tour & travel jogja and mrs. Titin harwiyandani as alumni/education practitioner of ecole française de jakarta.
The first session was filled by mr tribowo. The topic explained is related to opportunities for graduates of the french language education study program in the world of tourism. Based on data, indonesia's favorite level in the eyes of france is no. 2nd after the bahamas, followed by south africa, peru and myanmar so this is a great opportunity for french education study program graduates to work in this sector.
Continued in the second session by mrs. Titin regarding the world of work for french language education study program graduates. According to him, after graduating we need special skills in the world of work. We must improve our connections, special skills other than french, and must have good academics. Graduates majoring in french can not only become teachers, but can do anything, such as working in foreign affairs departments, media, international eo, translators, french aviation staff, and even become entrepreneurs.
The event continued with a question and answer session by participants and resource persons. many alumni participants were enthusiastic in discussing the world of work and their experiences when they could speak french. with french, the chances of getting a job are higher because not everyone can speak french.
This webinar is also aimed at forming alumni management. the formation of an alumni network begins with creating alumni wa groups per class. then each generation forms its own management. the administrators from each class will be representatives in managing the alumni association of the uny fbs french language education study program. through this activity, it is hoped that the study program alumni ties will become stronger in building networks. (DR)
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