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Opening of the Thai Language Course Program, a collaboration with the Education Study Program. French, FBSB UNY with Faculty of Liberal Arts, Maejo University, Thailand, Tuesday (04/04/2023). The meeting was held online with Mr. Herman, M.Pd as the host, attended by students participating in the Thai Class, lecturers from the French Language Education Study Program, and teachers (Lecturers) from the Faculty of Liberal Arts Maejo Univ Thailand.
Deputy Dean for RKSIU Dr. Cipto Budi Handoyo, M.Pd., who gave a speech on behalf of the Dean, said that this was a very good opportunity, because the Chancellor of Maejo University was pleased to give FBSB UNY students the opportunity to learn Thai, and hoped that this activity could strengthen the cooperative relationship between 2 universities, especially FBSB UNY and the Faculty of Liberal Arts MU, and hopefully this collaboration will continue and develop.
Dr. Saran Chantalay, representing the Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, expressed his gratitude and high appreciation for the collaboration that had been established, and was surprised that the number of FBSB UNY students who wanted to learn Thai was quite large, considering that Thai is not easy, even for Thais themselves, because the words and sounds are difficult, as is the grammar. For this reason, he was very happy with the motivation and enthusiasm for learning of FBSB UNY students.
Head of French Language Education Study Program Prof. Dr. Roswita Lumbantobing on this occasion also expressed her gratitude for the collaboration that has existed, and hopes that this activity will become a routine activity in the future.
The lecturers of the MU Faculty of Liberal Arts who will teach Thai as Visiting Professors are: Asst. Prof. Siriporn Maneechukate, Ajarn Watsana Srirak, Asst. Prof. Duanghatai Luedung, Asst. Prof. Dr. Sunthorn Khamyod, Ajarn Parichat Pimon, Ajarn Apalai Suksamran, Asst. Prof. Chayutpat Kammoon, Ajarn Suwan Lianghiranthaworn, and Ajarn Krit Saranakkharin.
This Thai language course activity has started online and will run until June 2023 every Friday.
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