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The Covid-19 pandemic, which has been spreading in Indonesia for almost a year, has changed people's lifestyles. These changes occurred in various fields, one of which was education. Conditions that make it impossible to meet face to face have changed educational activities to virtual form.
The Yogyakarta State University French or Hiper Student Association holds a national seminar every year, and this time it was held online using Zoom which was broadcast online via YouTube, Saturday (5/12/2020) with the theme "France as a Second Home: Viewed from Social, Cultural and Economic Aspects". This event presented business practitioners, namely Agus Kurniawan and also a blogger and YouTuber, Icha Ayu. Both are Indonesians who have been involved for a long time and are also business people who have lived in France for a long time.
Agus Kurniawan is a businessman from Java who is developing his business abroad, one of which is in France. The owner of the Escale à Java business explained his experience in doing business abroad and his reasons for choosing France as his target country for doing business. During his presentation he was also accompanied by his business partner, namely Mrs. Windy, a Franco-Indonesian consultant who also works as an assistant in the field of economic diplomacy and international relations at the Indonesian Consulate General in Marseille, France. In essence, various kinds of handicraft products such as anklets, earrings, bracelets, necklaces and other knick-knacks or accessories are in demand in Europe in general and France in particular. Likewise with garment products, especially those that carry unique local values and are eco-friendly products.
Icha Ayu is an Indonesian national who currently works in France as a private employee. Icha Ayu wrote about her experiences and interactions with society and culture while living and participating in the Au Pair program in France through her blog and YouTube, which to date has 69 thousand subscribers. An interesting note from Mbak Icha was, "How to make the Au Pair program a stepping stone to achieve your desired goals, for example going to school, developing a business, or developing a profession." Learning from her experience, Icha also added that it is best to take part in a program like Au Pair, it is best to have good French language skills so that if something undesirable happens, at least we can survive.
This time, the HIMA France 2020 Webinar activity was attended by almost 200 participants from all over Indonesia, most of whom were students studying French. Apart from providing insight, we hope that the activities that have been carried out can provide inspiration for participants to start and develop their ideas. However, opportunities are always there, depending on how we use these opportunities. Send regards for success! (Nisrina edited by YA-HIPER FBS UNY)
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