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A person needs to have the ability to control themselves consciously to avoid negative behavior that might harm other people.
To form self-control in students, the French Language Education Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Yogyakarta State University held an activity entitled Leadership with the theme Self-Control.
This activity, which was attended by approximately 100 participants, was held on Friday (20/11) at two in the afternoon online via Google Meets. Apart from the presence of new students, this activity was also accompanied by Dr. Yeni Artanti, M. Hum. along with other lecturers, the former chairman of the 2018 French Student Association (HIPER), and the committee members who are UNY French Language Education students class 2018-2019.
Included in a series of Biennouvé events, Leadership is one of the mandatory agendas for new students. During their transition from high school students to now students, they certainly need to learn about time management and self-directed learning which is part of self-control.
“It's true that self-control is important. We can be the ones who are responsible for what we have to do. Having chosen to become a student, of course the high school study pattern must be abandoned because it is different. If we look at human development, at the age of students we can think abstractly or can start to take responsibility, but not fully because we depend on our parents. "From there, there are things you can do to be responsible as a student that need to be done," explained Dr. Yeni Artanti, M.Hum.
This activity also invites new students to discuss the importance of self-control. According to Zahida Aine, a new French Language Education student at UNY class of 2020, self-control is important for ourselves, because we interact with other people and we have boundaries with other people.
Diajeng Sofyanti, as chairman of HIPER 2018, then presented material on self-mastery. Diajeng gave three points as an answer to why we must have self-control, namely to prevent individuals from acting negatively, as a basis for developing other characters, and to help individuals meet their life needs in a balanced way.
Diajeng also added four tips for increasing self-control, including setting a goal, practicing self-control, discipline, and getting a coach. The problem that students often experience is that it is difficult to be disciplined which results in work being done to tight deadlines and assignments not being optimal. To address this, Diajeng gave advice, "To avoid being overtaken by deadlines, make a list of priorities for the week or day. If we succeed in making a list of priorities, we know what we have to do. Don't let what you have created go to waste. Follow the list that has been made with good time management."
After the presentation ended, the event continued with an introduction to the HIPER community consisting of Hipercoustique, Jolie Danse and Maintenant. The event went well and ended with a photo session.
With this Leadership activity, it is hoped that students can continue to practice the maturation process which starts with controlling themselves. As Diajeng said, adulthood is when we can control ourselves. College is a time where someone looks for experience. Therefore, each individual must carefully consider everything and be ready to accept the consequences of each choice. (Naftalya AP, PB France 2019)
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