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Saturday and Sunday, 5-6 March 2022, the French Student Association (HIPER) held an Upgrading and Work Meeting, both of which were held offline at Villa BIP Kaliurang and online via Google Meet.
Upgrading is an activity carried out by HIPER together with MPO in its implementation, with the aim that the HIPER 2022/2023 Les Chevaliers cabinet can make HIPER more developed in all aspects. This activity was guided by Bintang Aryosetyo (2019) and Ninuk Purnaningsih (2019) from MPO as moderators.
Next, each department conveys what work programs will be carried out, whether there are any changes or new work programs. After that, the MPO was given suggestions, questions and input regarding the work program. This department sharing is very useful for HIPER which will carry out its work program. Apart from that, this activity aims to make HIPER develop and be better.
Then, the Upgrading officially ended after inaugurating the new HIPER management for the 2022/2023 period, the Les Chevaliers cabinet represented by Fadel Muhammad (2020), chairman of HIPER 2022, by the MPO representative, Oka Reynaldi Akbar (2019).
On March 6 2022, this will continue with the HIPER Working Meeting which starts at 9.30 WIB. The Working Meeting was attended by invited guests, French Language Education lecturers and other UKM representatives.
The flow of this Work Meeting is not much different from the Upgrading activities that have been held previously. The difference between these two events is that the Working Meeting is more formal and there is no departmental sharing session with the MPO. Everything takes place in one place without being separated by breakout rooms, and all parties, especially lecturers, can also voice opinions or suggestions regarding the work program that has been previously presented and will be implemented in the next period.
HIPER's two internal activities have been completed in two days, hopefully from the Upgrading and Work Meetings held, HIPER can make good developments in the Les Chevaliers cabinet.
(Yulia Fitri Adiningsih, 2021 French Language Education student)
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